Guide for Author

Manuscript Title

  • Keep your title concise and informative, ensuring it does not exceed 12 words.


  • The abstract should provide a concise summary of no more than 300 words. It should outline the research goal, identify knowledge gaps, summarize main findings, and highlight contributions.


  • Include up to 4 keywords that reflect the core content of your manuscript.

Article Specifications

  • We accept articles of any length, with no limits on the number of words, tables, or figures.

Citation and References

  • Use the Vancouver citation system (author-number system). For more details, see the relevant Wikipedia page.
  • Citations within the text should be in square brackets [ ] instead of superscript.
  • A reference manager such as Zotero, Mendeley, or EndNote is recommended.
  • Include 15-30 references. More than 30 are permitted for review articles. Website references are allowed only if the URL is permanent and should not constitute more than 10% of the references. Tools like,, or can be used to make URLs permanent.

Funding Details

  • If applicable, please include the name of the fund and contract number.

Language and Structure

  • The manuscript must be written in English.
  • Organize your manuscript in the following order: Introduction, Literature Review (if applicable), Methods (if applicable), Results (if applicable), Discussion (if applicable), Conclusions, Acknowledgments (if applicable), Funders (if applicable), Conflict of Interest Statements, Author Contributions, and References.

Figures and Tables

  • Include clear, vivid, and necessary figures and tables.
  • Ensure all figures and tables are referenced within the text.
  • All figures and tables should be free from copyright issues; obtain permissions if needed.
  • Provide comprehensive captions for each figure and table.

Similarity Check

  • Ensure that your manuscript has a maximum similarity index of 20%.


  • Authors should provide 3-5 bullet points highlighting the key findings or novel contributions of their research.

These guidelines are designed to ensure that submissions to the Sustainable Tourism Review are consistent in quality and format. We look forward to your contributions.

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